Today, co-founder of Milestone Media, Dwayne McDuffie died. It feels as though my reality has been rocked. Not in the same way as his family must be feeling, but as though one of my heroes died. I’m an empathetic person by nature; but, I don’t feel any personal connection to people I don’t know – I never understood people who hear celebrity gossip and say things such as, “Jen should know better than that.” Why should she? You don’t know her. Yet, when I heard about McDuffie’s death, I was (and am) greatly saddened by it. Perhaps because he is one of the few strangers I admire. The last time I felt like this was when I heard about Steve Irwin’s death. Maybe it’s because, for me, they both represented how great humanity could be. I’m not saying they were perfect, but their passion for what they did in life was so tangible that it inspired others to do the same; to do something no one else has done. Smiles are infectious, and so is happiness; and, both of these individuals personified that in their careers and success.