Monday, August 6, 2012

Sailor Moon's New Reincarnation on the Eve of Its 20th Birthday

On the eve of the series' 20th anniversary, Takeuchi and Kodansha Comics announced that a new serialized Sailor Moon anime is in the works to premiere summer 2013.  Does this mean the lesbian relationship of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune won't be censored out of the new anime?


Hello my little G.N.O.C.chis (and others),

It has been a very long time.  During my hiatus, I took some times to contemplate the reason for this blog; and, I've come to the same conclusion.  I'm not here to provide ground-breaking news on the entertainment and comic book industry, or controversial statements on race or color.  I just want to discuss geek issues as they relate to minorities.  So, comment if you want to express yourself, or read to hear another perspective.  On to my musings!